Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Tribute to Third Parties

Third parties have been instrumental in shaping the culture of the country we live in today. While only one third party candidate has ever been able to win the presidential nomination, Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party, several third parties have been able to enter and influence the national debate. These parties include but are not limited to --- The Reform Party, The Populist Party and The Socialist Party. While these parties are no longer a part of the American political process, their influence lives on.

A short list of accomplishments which can be attributed to their existence in the United States includes -- The abolishment of slavery, the women's suffrage movement, child labor laws, and the 40-hour work week which later lead to the Labor Standards Act of 1938.

We owe a thanks to their efforts and achievements. They've made us a better people and nation. Yet today, we criticize those who run for the office of president under a third party platform.

After Al Gore's defeat to George W. Bush in 2000, Ralph Nader became the target of many Democratic Party supporters. They reasoned that his presence in the race shifted enough votes from Gore to Nader to tilt the election in Bush's favor.

Instead of faulting Nader, another voice in the political arena, actual problems which were and still are detrimental to the electoral process should have been targeted.

Gore won the popular vote, yet the electoral college elected Bush. Thousands of African American voters were disenfranchised in Florida. The Supreme Court stopped the recount in Florida in turn giving Bush a win in the state by slightly more than 500 votes. And we all remember hearing the stories about butterfly-ballots. So why is it that we blame the third party candidate, one factor in the election, who simply ran to give the American people an alternative choice to the corporately sponsored candidates who represent the establishment parties?

Ralph Nader is a model citizen and has arguably had as great of an impact on every man, woman and child as any president that has served in this country. His resume includes the Freedom of Information Act, the Clean Air Act, the Consumer Protection Agency, airbags and seat belts in cars and much more.

Ralph is a man of the people who has been serving his country proudly since 1968. He doesn't deserve our criticism for running for the office of president, we owe him our thanks. Oh, and happy Birthday Ralph, you're 74.

Watch Ralph's campaign announcement from this past Sunday on Meet the Press.

Related Article 1
Related Article 2
Nader '08 Campaign Website


Anonymous said...

Lofty ideals provide little comfort to those who suffer and die because we live under a deeply flawed administration. No we don't owe Nader anything other than a swift kick in the ****. Think! Think about what you're doing. Don't just wear blinders and assume you're playing your own game...

Zach said...

Ideon, - I'm tired of playing their game. Aren't we all? We can't just point the finger at the Bush administration. The Democrats stood silent and several acted as accomplices when this administration lead us into an illegal war.

Today we have two of these accomplices left to choose from for the Democratic ticket. Barack's words don't match his voting record. He hasn't lifted a finger or spoken out against the buildup that is occurring for the war with Iran. Had he been in the Senate at the time authorization was given to Bush, you can bet he would have granted it.

These people are political cowards. They're not as bad as Bush and Co. but they're not much better.

When are people like you going to wakeup and realize that the Democratic party doesn't deserve your vote?

It is another corporately controlled party, adhering to the same masters that have bought out the Republicans.

We need fundamental change. We need to send a message to Washington with our votes that says we're fed up with the two party system.

They're selling our country to the highest bidders and we're letting it happen.

Ralph is on our side. Barack and Hillary aren't. They're not even willing to hold this administration accountable by holding impeachment hearings.

The precedent they're allowing to be set is one that will haunt us for the remaining duration of our nation.