Tuesday, March 11, 2008

House Dems Propose New Surveillance Legislation

Under the new legislation, retroactive immunity would not be granted but the companies would be able to argue their cases in court and present classified evidence to a judge during a closed proceeding without the presence of the plaintiffs.

Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said that without immunity for telephone companies, the Democrats surveillance bill will be "dead on arrival."

He went on to say, "Today's proposal is further evidence that House Democrats are not only out of touch with the needs of the American people, but also with Senate Democrats, the White House and our intelligence community," he said in a written statement. "Their careless disregard for the concerns of our intelligence community simply proves the point that Democrats are weak on national security."

And as we've all learned in our constitutional history class while growing up, when you don't let telecommunications companies violate your civil rights by spying on your phone calls, the terrorists win.

House Majority Leader Hoyer said their will be a vote on the bill Thursday.

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