Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New York GOP Lawmakers Threaten to Impeach Spitzer

New York's Republican Party is giving Elliot Spitzer 48 hours to resign or they are going to begin the process for impeachment hearings. Maybe this will be a wakeup call for the Democratic Party which is currently in idle on the impeachment gear for Bush, Cheney and the rest of the criminal administration.

Lets put all the facts on the table. Elliot Spitzer is a potential client of a prostitution service and may have violated federal laws by carrying out his illegal activities across state lines - it is not confirmed. George Bush has admitted to violating the FISA Act, a crime which carries up to a five year jail sentence. Further, this administration knowingly used false and misleading data to lie to the American public and the United Nations in an effort to invade a nation.

Within 24 hours, the Republican Party is facing their Democratic opponent with impeachment. Nearly five years later, the Democratic Party is idle.

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