Monday, March 10, 2008

Support Shirley Golub

Shirley Golub needs your support. Shirley is running for the 8th District of California for the United States Congress - the seat which is currently held by Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi has been a roadblock to justice since she became House Speaker in January of 2007. It has been her who has pushed and promoted the policy of refraining from impeachment hearings for the Bush administration. Further, she has been an accomplice in the illegal spying program and the continued occupation of Iraq. Nancy Pelosi needs to be removed from her seat for failing her constituency and the American public.

Shirley Golub is the ideal replacement. Shirley embodies the same political instincts that are seen in Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold, Robert Wexler, Bernie Sanders and the late Paul Wellstone. Visit her campaign website for further information. Be sure to view the issues she is campaigning on.

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